Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day Two

Today was about deciding if I could see my worthiness to become a millionaire. This is a very interesting question. Am I worthy to be wealthy?

In my religion, worthiness is a topic that is near and dear to our hearts. We take worthiness interviews with ourselves, and with our spiritual leaders to determine our ability to be baptised, serve missions, and attend our temples. The interviews are simple and straight forward. They help us examine ourselves, and they help us realize that, human as we are, we are still worthy individuals. You do not have to be perfect to gain the level of worthiness necessary to attend the temple. You just have to be baptized, have a testimony, and do your best to be good.

Perhaps it would be easier to understand if we explored what it would take to be unworthy to attend the temple. Pornagraphy, Adultery, Drugs, Stealing, Murder, Denying God, Trying to destroy the Gospel. . . you get the idea. So then. . . what would make me unworthy to be a millionaire?

I would be unworthy if having that kind of money kept me from my eternal goals. If the money caused me to lose my worthiness status with my God, I would be unworthy of it. If I used that money to oppress, had an attitude of superiority, and gave that attitude to my children, I would be unworthy of it. If, because of my wealth, I allowed my children to run undisciplined, and didn't teach them right, I would be unworthy of it. If I refused to give service, and hoarded my money, I would be unworthy.

Now comes the time when I explore the intents of my heart. Why do I want to be wealthy? I want to be able to give financial security to myself and my children. I believe that money is a form of power, and that Satan uses it for evil, and that God needs those with it to use it for good. I want to use it for good. I want to help others. I see so many worthy causes that I would like to help, far more than I am capable of helping now. Do I think money will corrupt me? No, I do not. I have not, when the opportunity came, given in to corruption, why would having money be any different. I also have people who I will listen to if they see me begin to follow wrong paths. I already give, I already serve, I am already striving to raise my child with love and discipline.

The final question in a worthiness interview is simply this: Do you believe yourself to be worthy? You see, in the end that is what matters. God may know you are worthy, your leaders, friends, family may know you are worthy, but you have to believe it too. Otherwise you will always question yourself. If you don't believe it, you will not feel comfortable attaining it. And the answer is Yes, I believe I am worthy of it.

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