Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day One - First List

"Let us remember that within us there is a palace of immense magnificence".
-St. Teresa of Avila

-Every major activity of your life is FIRSTED....the firstlings of the flock and the first fruits of the the Bible calls it. What are the firstlings of your flocks and which are the first fruits of your fields? - From Cracking the Millionaire Code

The first hours of my day
The first day of my week
The first dollars I earn
The first food that I eat
The first thought that I think
The first smile that I give
The first lens that I use to look at the world
The first meeting of my week
The first Millionaire Idea waiting to be found by me
The first book I read
The first words I speak
The first music I hear
The first desire of my heart
The first song I sing

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