Tuesday, December 4, 2007


HYIPs stands for High Yield Interest Programs. These are high risk investments that offer anywhere between .05% a day to 4% a day. This is a fairly new arena, as the internet has opened these kinds of opportunities. Like everything new, there is alot of failed programs, scams, and ponzi schemes. This means that you need to do your research before you invest. There are a few legitimate programs, ones that really are investments, and who will be around for the long haul. It is hard to see the difference between the real ones and the fake ones at first, especially as this kind of vehicle has only been around for a few years.

So over the next few posts, I will be sharing the knowledge that I have found, and talking about the investments I have made, how to do it, and what criteria you should use before making an investment. Be warned, there are hundreds of these HYIPs about, and only a handful are going to make through the long haul. This means that unless you stumble upon a keeper, you must have a good idea about what you are looking for.

Many of the HYIPs are Ponzi Schemes, they are only designed to last for a short period of time. I have seen some only last days. They are not real investing firms, they simply pay out based on what others pay in. So, you could make money if you were in at the beginning, but not in the end. The Ponzi Schemes tend to last only a few months, I have seen some only last a week. Make sure you do your research with every company. I will also give you the guidlines to weed out definate scams, and hopefully help you find a few that are real companies.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I have Returned

Okay, that was a much longer break than I anticipated. In the interim, there has been alot that has happened for us.

We are building our home, and through using www.maxhouse.com (referral #MAX1023) we will have it paid off in under 6 years without having to make extra payments. This system is amazing and I love it. I know several people who are currently using it, and have been so happy. My family is also using it, and we will all own our homes free and clear within that six year period. Maxhouse has a free online profile you can fill out, and they can give you an estimate on how much their program can save you in time and interest. It is saving us over $100,000 in interest, not to mention it is saving us about 24 years.

We have started investing. We have invested in four areas. Two of those are called HYIPs. High Yeild Interest Programs. I will be writing a blog about these later, as there is alot I have learned and some helpful guildlines for someone looking for legitimate programs vs. Ponzi Schemes. We have already made $400 off of a $2000 investment, and gearing up to do it again this month. This means that in 5 months, the investment would have paid itself back. One of the other HYIPs we are involved in we have chosen to compound everything instead of pulling out our interest. The third area we have invested in is a Bridge Funding of sorts. We give them money as a loan, and they pay the principle back with interest in two months. This is a kind of per deal thing, so you have to resubmit your money for the deal everytime you want to make money with the company. We haven't totally started with them yet, as our funds are tied up, but they should be free by the end of this month. The fourth area of investing for us is Real Estate, and believe it or not, our home is our first Real Estate Investment, because we are making money on the deal.

We will be able to finish the basement, and invest the equity in our home. Doing this will pay the mortgage at first, but using Maxhouse.com will increase our profit and by the end of six years will give us a decent monthly income.

We want to start a fifth kind of investing, and that is investing in promising businesses. We have so many friends with great ideas, and we want to help our friends reach financial security as well.

My goal is to be able to have my husband Job Optional by June. If not then, definately by the time he turns 30.